Cheap promotional towel in Tabriz

Cheap promotional towel in Tabriz with best quality and appropriate prices are produced in Tabriz and after many tests, send to bazar to sell.

Purchase price of promotional towel

Purchase price of promotional towels diverse according to their qualities. And in comparison between things as promotional gifts, promotional towels have cheaper price and are a suitable gift for advertising a brand with its logo printed on them. Promotional towels with dark colour are expensive than white ones.

Cheap promotional towel in Tabriz

Promotional towels production in Tehran

Iran has boom in producing towels in recent years. lots of companies are active in manufacturing many kinds of towels.Zarrinsap is one of them and produces promotional towels with your brand’s logos and is one of the best in this field.

Cheap promotional towel in Tabriz

Kinds of promotional towels

Promotional towels are produced in different shapes, colours and quality.

they are such as:

  • Promotional bath towel
  • Promotional handy towel
  • Promotional pool towel
  • Promotional hotel towel
  • Promotional dimensional towel
  • Promotional printed towel
  • Promotional towel with embroidery
  • etc….

Cheap promotional towel in Tabriz

Buying handy promotional towel

Nowadays promotional Towers in handy type are most liked by people. these towels are in nice packages that are very suitable as a gift. To buy towels, be in touch with our salesman. We wish you a comfort shopping.

Cheap promotional towel in Tabriz

Promotional towels with embroidery

In this way the logo embroid and towels. One of these ways advantages is that we haven’t any color limitation and orders will be ready early. But in embroidery when the logo size is high it will bother the user. But in small logos it isn’t so.

Cheap promotional towel in Tabriz

The best washing of towels

Too keep towels quality we must be careful in their washing ways.

  1.  Using towel softener
  2.  Washing not with hot water
  3. Washing with appropriate detergents
  4.  Being careful in drying ways

* note that washing a lot will destroy them.

Our suggestion for you is that to buy towels with light colours because the dirtiness of them will be clean easily with detergents.

Cheap promotional towel in Tabriz

Towel’s best quality

Some people think that if the towel is papery it has best quality but it is wrong the weight hasn’t any link with quality. Maybe a heavy towel is produce with cotton but a papery towel is produced with polyester. So we mustn’t choose best towel with it’s weight.
